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Seinfeld (1989-1998): FYC


Discover the plot, cast, scripts and facts the hit NBC series.

Here's what we have on one of the best sitcoms of the 20th century. And, you can also read and download the official teleplays, here, at 8FLiX.


Series Logline.

The continuing misadventures of neurotic New York City stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his equally neurotic New York City friends. NBC

"Seinfeld" Status Report.

What we know and what we don't.

Here are the basics:

  • The entire series is now streaming on Netflix.
  • We have 13 teleplays (scripts-proper) available for your study and enjoyment. See more details below.
Discretion ...
Seasons ... 9
Episodes ... 173
Network ... NBC(1989-1998)
Status ... Complete(05.14.1998)
Genres ... ComedySitcom
IMDb ID ... 0098904

Discover the "Seinfeld" scripts, cast, facts and more!

Before downloading what we have, take a look around.

Meet the cast and writers of one of the best sitcoms of the 20th century. Also, get the poster while you surf over to the official website and discover other sources. CLICK or TAP the SUPPLEMENTS button for more.

And, for the "Seinfeld" official scripts and more, keep scrolling!

And What Else?

My personal analysis.

"Seinfeld" or "Friends"? The best sitcom of the 20th century could be argued for the next century. But, ask yourself this: which one gave us more quotable moments? 'The master of your domain.' 'Festivus.' 'No soup for you!'

I'd vote for the 'show about nothing,' any day.

The show lasted nine seasons and 173 episodes. The series wasn't cancelled, per se. In fact, Jerry Seinfeld opted to end the show before it had the chance to jump the shark. Therefore solidifying the quality of great television the show gave us throughout the 1990s.

The entire series is now streaming on Netflix.

We have 13 scripts available for your study and enjoyment.


Read and Watch

Compare the scripts to each episode, with 8FLiX and JustWatch.

Now that you have the teleplays, watch "Seinfeld" and compare. We've partnered with JustWatch so you can make that happen.

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