8FLiX Archive: ‘TV Transcripts’
Explore our collection of dialogue transcripts.
The TV transcripts that we have at 8FLiX are a word-for-word record of spoken dialogue. Also, for certain series, they may also include descriptions of effects and other relevant sounds.
Nearly 95% of our collection is accessible in various languages in addition to English, including Brazilian Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, and others.
Not Here for Transcripts… We Got You
Ready to dive in? Browse the full archive, sorted from A to Z.
Scroll down to discover our transcripts collection. If you’re up for more, explore the complete archive by clicking on a letter below. Keep in mind, our archive holds true screenplays, authentic teleplays, and comprehensive TV transcripts.
0 – 9 | Aa | Bb | Cc | Dd | Ee | Ff |
Gg | Hh | Ii | Jj | Kk | Ll | Mm |
Nn | Oo | Pp | Rr | Ss | Tt | |
Uu | Vv | Ww | Xx | Yy | Zz |
Here for Transcripts… We Got You
Either way, we have you covered.
Browse our TV transcripts archive right here. Remember, the collection below consists of dialogue transcripts, not screenplays or teleplays. They may not include camera directions, character references, or other details typically found in professional scripts.