I Am Mother (2019): FYC

The I Am Mother screenplay and script

I Am Mother

Discover the plot, cast, script and facts from the 2019 movie.

Here's what we have on Grant Sputore's, "I Am Mother". And, you can also read and download the official screenplay, here, at 8FLiX.


"I Am Mother" Plot Summary.

A teenage girl is the first of a new generation of humans to be raised by Mother, a robot designed to repopulate the earth after the extinction of humankind. But the pair’s unique relationship is threatened when an injured stranger arrives. With her, comes the shocking news that calls into question everything Daughter has been told about the outside world and her Mother’s intentions.

Discover the "I Am Mother" script, cast, facts and more!

Before downloading the screenplay, have a look at this.

Meet the cast and crew of "I Am Mother". Also, read the box office and budget data while you surf over to the official website and discover other sources. CLICK or TAP the SUPPLEMENTS button for more.

And, for the script, CLICK OR TAP the DOWNLOAD PAGE button to go directly to the screenplay page.


Notable Cast
Rose ByrneRose Byrne...Mother (voice)
Maddie LentonMaddie Lenton...Infant
Luke HawkerLuke Hawker...Mother
Summer LentonSummer Lenton...Toddler
Hazel SanderyHazel Sandery...Toddler
Tahlia SturzakerTahlia Sturzaker...Child
Clara RugaardClara Rugaard...Daughter
Hilary SwankHilary Swank...Woman
Jacob NolanJacob Nolan...Brother
Tracy BrittonTracy Britton...Teacher

Box Office Data

(2019) U.S. Dollars
Budget...$ N/A
Opening weekend...$ N/A
Gross (US & Canada)...$ N/A
Gross (World)...$643,593


I Am Mother movie poster


Additional Content
Cast Photos...IMDb/Getty/Netflix
Box Office...IMDb Pro
Poster...Official Site

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