Good Boys (2019): FYC

The Good Boys screenplay and script

Good Boys

Discover the plot, cast, script and facts from the 2019 movie.

Here's what we have on Gene Stupnitsky's, "Good Boys". And, you can also read and download the original screenplay, here, at 8FLiX.


"Good Boys" Plot Summary.

After breaking a toy drone, Max, Thor, and, Lucas skip school and set off on a raunchy odyssey of epically bad decisions. Stolen drugs, a frat-house, and running from both the cops and girls!

Discover the "Good Boys" script, cast, clips, and more!

Before downloading the screenplay, have a look at this.

Meet the cast and crew of "Good Boys". Also, read the box office and budget data while you surf over to the official website and discover other sources. CLICK or TAP the SUPPLEMENTS button for more.

And, for the "Good Boys" script, CLICK OR TAP the DOWNLOAD PAGE button to go directly to the screenplay page.


Notable Cast
Jacob TremblayJacob Tremblay...Max
Keith L. WilliamsKeith L. Williams...Lucas
Brady NoonBrady Noon...Thor
Molly GordonMolly Gordon...Hannah
Midori FrancisMidori Francis...Lily
Izaac WangIzaac Wang...Soren
Millie DavisMillie Davis...Brixlee
Josh CarasJosh Caras...Benji
Will ForteWill Forte...Max's Dad
Mariessa PortelanceMariessa Portelance...Max's Mom
Lil Rel HoweryLil Rel Howery...Lucas's Dad
RettaRetta...Lucas's Mom

Box Office Data

(2019) U.S. Dollars
Opening weekend...$21,402,605
Gross (US & Canada)...$83,140,306
Gross (World)...$111,037,232


Good Boys movie poster


Additional Content
Cast Photos...IMDb/Supplied
Box Office...IMDb Pro
Poster...Official Site
Studio...Universal Pictures

Just a Note.

The version we have available is a very early draft. It features a prominent character that was eventually cut from the final draft.

Also, Jacob Tremblay (one of the 'Good Boys'), is a legend. There's something inherently funny about kids speaking like adults. Whether it's university-level vernacular, or drunken-sailor cussing. And to hear this literal good boy's prolific use of very adult language, is, simply put, fucking hilarious.

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