The Boy (2016): FYC

Read and download The Boy screenplay and script

The Boy

Discover the plot, cast, facts, and script from the 2016 movie written by Stacey Menear.

Here's what we have on William Brent Bell's, "The Boy." And, you can also read and download the official screenplay, here, at 8FLiX.


"The Boy" Plot Summary.

In search of a fresh start away from a troubled past, a young American woman seeks refuge in an isolated English village, only to find herself trapped in a waking nightmare in THE BOY.

When Greta (Lauren Cohan) takes a job as a nanny she is shocked to discover that she has been hired by a strange elderly couple to care for Brahms, a life-sized doll that they treat like a real child. A stand-in for the son they lost tragically 20 years earlier, Brahms comes with a lengthy list of rules that Greta is warned to follow to the letter.

Greta ignores the rules and begins a tentative flirtation with handsome local deliveryman Malcolm (Rupert Evans). That is, until a series of disturbing and inexplicable events convinces her that supernatural forces are at work.

Discover "The Boy" plot, cast, facts and more!

Before downloading the screenplay, have a look at this.

Meet the cast and writer of "The Boy". Also, read the box office and budget data while you surf over to the official website and discover other sources. CLICK or TAP the SUPPLEMENTS button for more.

And, for "The Boy" script, CLICK OR TAP the DOWNLOAD PAGE button to go directly to the screenplay page.


Notable Cast
Lauren CohanLauren Cohan...Greta Evans
Rupert EvansRupert Evans...Malcolm
James RussellJames Russell...Brahms Heelshire
Jim NortonJim Norton...Mr. Heelshire
Diana HardcastleDiana Hardcastle...Mrs. Heelshire
Ben RobsonBen Robson...Cole
Jett KlyneJett Klyne...Brahms (Child)
Lily PaterLily Pater...Emily Cribbs
Matthew WalkerMatthew Walker...Taxi Driver
Stephanie LemelinStephanie Lemelin...Sandy (voice)


Stacey Menear Stacey Menear ... Writer (screenplay)

Box Office Data

(2016) U.S. Dollars
Opening weekend...$10,778,392
Gross (US & Canada)...$35,819,556
Gross (World)...$73,929,392


The Boy movie poster


Additional Content
Cast Photos...IMDb
Box Office...IMDb Pro
Poster...Official Site
Studio...STX Films

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