CODA (2021): FYC

CODA screenplay production still


Discover the plot, cast, facts, and script from the 2021 movie written by Sian Heder.

Here's what we have on AppleTV+'s "CODA." And, you can also read and download the original screenplay, here, at 8FLiX.


"CODA" Plot Summary.

Seventeen-year-old Ruby is the sole hearing member of a deaf family – a CODA, child of deaf adults. Her life revolves around acting as interpreter for her parents and working on the family's struggling fishing boat every day before school with her father and older brother. But when Ruby joins her high school’s choir club, she discovers a gift for singing and soon finds herself drawn to her duet partner Miles. Encouraged by her enthusiastic, tough-love choirmaster to apply to a prestigious music school, Ruby finds herself torn between the obligations she feels to her family and the pursuit of her own dreams. AppleTV+

Discover the "CODA" plot, cast, facts and more!

Before downloading the screenplay, have a look at this.

Let's meet the cast and writer. Also, see the box office and budget data while you surf over to the official website and discover other sources. Go ahead and CLICK or TAP the SUPPLEMENTS button.

And, for the "CODA" script, CLICK or TAP the DOWNLOAD PAGE button to go directly to the screenplay page.


Notable Cast
Emilia JonesEmilia Jones...Ruby Rossi
Troy KotsurTroy Kotsur...Frank Rossi
Daniel DurantDaniel Durant...Leo Rossi
John FioreJohn Fiore...Tony Salgado
Lonnie FarmerLonnie Farmer...Arthur
Kevin ChapmanKevin Chapman...Brady
Amy ForsythAmy Forsyth...Gertie
Courtland JonesCourtland Jones...Ms. Simon
Molly Beth ThomasMolly Beth Thomas...Audra
Ferdia Walsh-PeeloFerdia Walsh-Peelo...Miles
Ayana BrownAyana Brown...Guidance Counselor
Marlee MatlinMarlee Matlin...Jackie Rossi


Sian Heder Sian Heder ... Writer


Notable Wins
Oscar AwardFabrice Gianfermi, Patrick Wachsberger, Philippe Rousselet...Best Motion Picture of the Year
Oscar AwardTroy Kotsur...Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Oscar AwardSian Heder...Best Adapted Screenplay
Gotham AwardEmilia Jones...Breakthrough Performer
Gotham AwardTroy Kotsur...Outstanding Supporting Performance

Box Office Data

(2021) U.S. Dollars
Opening weekend...$NA
Gross (US & Canada)...$1,052,792
Gross (World)...$1,608,201


CODA movie poster


Additional Content
Cast Photos...IMDb/Getty
Box Office...IMDb Pro
Poster...Official Site
Awards...Gotham Independent Film Award, 2021
Awards...The 94th Academy Awards
Studio...Apple TV+

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