tick, tick...BOOM!
Discover the plot, cast, facts, and script from the 2021 movie written by Steven Levenson.
Here's what we have on "tick, tick...BOOM!" from Netflix. And, you can also read and download the original screenplay, here, at 8FLiX.
"tick, tick...BOOM!" Plot Summary.
The film follows Jon, a young theater composer who’s waiting tables at a New York City diner in 1990 while writing what he hopes will be the next great American musical.
Days before he’s due to showcase his work in a make-or-break performance, Jon is feeling the pressure from everywhere: from his girlfriend Susan, who dreams of an artistic life beyond New York City; from his friend Michael, who has moved on from his dream to a life of financial security; amidst an artistic community being ravaged by the AIDS epidemic.
With the clock ticking, Jon is at a crossroads and faces the question everyone must reckon with: What are we meant to do with the time we have? Netflix
Discover the "tick, tick...BOOM!" plot, cast, facts and more!
Before downloading the screenplay, have a look at this.
Let's meet the cast and writer. Also, read the box office and budget data while you surf over to the official website and discover other sources. Go ahead and CLICK or TAP the SUPPLEMENTS button.
And, for the "tick, tick...BOOM!" script, CLICK or TAP the DOWNLOAD PAGE button to go directly to the screenplay page.
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