Spencer (2021): FYC

Spencer screenplay and script


Discover the plot, cast, facts, and script from the 2021 movie written by Steven Knight.

Here's what we have on "Spencer" from Neon. And, you can also read and download the original screenplay, here, at 8FLiX.


"Spencer" Plot Summary.

The marriage of Princess Diana and Prince Charles has long since grown cold. Though rumors of affairs and a divorce abound, peace is ordained for the Christmas festivities at the Queen’s Sandringham Estate. There's eating and drinking, shooting and hunting. Diana knows the game.

But this year, things will be profoundly different. SPENCER is an imagining of what might have happened during those few fateful days. Neon

Discover the "Spencer" plot, cast, facts and more!

Before downloading the screenplay, have a look at this.

Let's meet the cast and writer. Also, see the box office and budget data while you surf over to the official website and discover other sources. Go ahead and CLICK or TAP the SUPPLEMENTS button.

And, for the "Spencer" script, CLICK or TAP the DOWNLOAD PAGE button to go directly to the screenplay page.


Notable Cast
Kristen Stewart Kristen Stewart ... Diana
Timothy Spall Timothy Spall ... Major Alistar Gregory
Jack Nielen Jack Nielen ... William
Freddie Spry Freddie Spry ... Harry
Jack Farthing Jack Farthing ... Charles
Sean Harris Sean Harris ... Darren
Stella Gonet Stella Gonet ... The Queen
Richard Sammel Richard Sammel ... Prince Philip
Elizabeth Berrington Elizabeth Berrington ... Princess Anne
Lore Stefanek Lore Stefanek ... Queen Mother
Amy Manson Amy Manson ... Anne Boleyn
Sally Hawkins Sally Hawkins ... Maggie
James Harkness James Harkness ... Footman Paul


Steven KnightSteven Knight...Writer (screenplay)

Box Office Data

(2022) U.S. Dollars
Opening weekend...$2,104,767
Gross (US & Canada)...$7,086,632
Gross (World)...$23,911,988


Spencer movie poster


Additional Content
Cast Photos ... IMDb/Getty
Box Office ... IMDb Pro
Poster ... Official Site
Studio ... Neon

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