The Dead Zone (1983): FYC

Read and download The Dead Zone screenplay and script

The Dead Zone

Discover the plot, cast, facts, and script from the 1983 movie written by Jeffrey Boam.

Here's what we have on David Cronenberg's, "The Dead Zone." And, you can also read and download the official screenplay, here, at 8FLiX.


"The Dead Zone" Plot Summary.

Waking up from a five-year coma after a car accident, former schoolteacher Johnny Smith discovers that he can see people's futures and pasts when he touches them. Many consider his talent a gift; Johnny feels cursed.

When Johnny has a disturbing vision after he shakes the hand of an ambitious and amoral politician, he must decide if he should take drastic action to change the future.

Discover "The Dead Zone" plot, cast, facts and more!

Before downloading the screenplay, have a look at this.

Meet the cast and writers of "The Dead Zone". Also, read the box office and budget data while you surf over to the official website and discover other sources. CLICK or TAP the SUPPLEMENTS button for more.

And, for "The Dead Zone" script, CLICK OR TAP the DOWNLOAD PAGE button to go directly to the screenplay page.


Notable Cast
Christopher WalkenChristopher Walken...Johnny Smith
Brooke AdamsBrooke Adams...Sarah Bracknell
Tom SkerrittTom Skerritt...Sheriff Bannerman
Herbert LomHerbert Lom...Dr. Sam Weizak
Anthony ZerbeAnthony Zerbe...Roger Stuart
Colleen DewhurstColleen Dewhurst...Henrietta Dodd
Martin SheenMartin Sheen...Greg Stillson
Nicholas CampbellNicholas Campbell...Frank Dodd
Sean SullivanSean Sullivan...Herb Smith
Jackie BurroughsJackie Burroughs...Vera Smith
Géza KovácsGéza Kovács...Sonny Elliman
Roberta WeissRoberta Weiss...Alma Frechette
Simon CraigSimon Craig...Chris Stuart
Peter DvorskyPeter Dvorsky...Dardis
Julie-Ann HeathwoodJulie-Ann Heathwood...Amy
Barry FlatmanBarry Flatman...Walt
Ken PogueKen Pogue...Vice President
Gordon JocelynGordon Jocelyn...Five-Star General

Writing Team

Jeffrey Boam Jeffrey Boam ... Writer (screenplay)
Stephen King Stephen King ... Writer (novel)

Box Office Data

(1983) U.S. Dollars
Opening weekend...$4,556,083
Gross (US & Canada)...$20,766,616
Gross (World)...$20,766,616


The Dead Zone movie poster


Additional Content
Cast Photos...IMDb/Getty
Box Office...IMDb Pro
Poster...Stephen King
Studio...Paramount / Dino De Laurentiis Company

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