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The Book of Eli (2010): FYC

The Book of Eli

See the plot, cast, facts, and script from the 2010 movie written by Gary Whitta.

Here's what we have on the action-drama, "The Book of Eli". And, you can also read and download the official screenplay, here, at 8FLiX.


"The Book of Eli" Plot Summary.

Some 30 years after the final war, a solitary man walks across the wasteland that was once America.

A warrior not by choice but necessity, Eli seeks only peace but, if challenged, will cut his attackers down before they realize their fatal mistake. It's not his life he guards so fiercely but his hope for the future; a hope he has carried and protected for 30 years and is determined to realize.

Driven by this commitment and guided by his belief in something greater than himself, Eli does what he must to survive--and continue. Only one other man in this ruined world understands the power Eli holds, and is determined to make it his own: Carnegie, the self-appointed despot of a makeshift town of thieves and gunmen.

Discover "The Book of Eli" plot, cast, facts and more!

Before downloading the screenplay, have a look at this.

Meet the cast and writer of "The Book of Eli". Also, see the box office and budget data while you surf over to the official website and discover other sources. CLICK or TAP the SUPPLEMENTS button for more.

And, for the script, CLICK OR TAP the DOWNLOAD PAGE button to go directly to the screenplay page.

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