Nope screenplay feature image.

N –

Scripts & Screenplays Index: N

Every script in our library beginning with the letter: "N"

The 8FLiX catalog offers a diverse selection of scripts, transcripts, screenplays, teleplays, stageplays, and musicals for download. However, it’s not our full database. If you can’t find what you need, don’t hesitate to send us an email!

A little note before you browse:

Our screenplays index: N, just like everything else at 8FLiX, is completely free. Our mission is to become the largest privately-owned screenplay database in the world. However, achieving that will take time, effort, and significant resources. That’s why we need your support!

Please refrain from hotlinking our content. We encourage sharing 8FLiX links on social media, fan sites, and other platforms, but we’d prefer visitors access what they need directly from our site. Simply put, link to the page, not the specific content within the page. It’s a small request for the greater good and helps keep 8FLiX free for everyone.

The "N" Catalogue... For Your Consideration

Sit back, take a breather, and explore 8FLiX’s vast collection of incredible scripts.

The "N-Scripts" are set to load in groups of 10. Once you’ve reached the end of the "N-Scripts" section, the button will disappear. But don’t worry—there’s plenty more to explore in the rest of the catalogue!

Still image from the movie 'Nickel Boys' representing the screenplay.

Nickel Boys (2024) Screenplay

Image of a man with his back to camera standing on a stage inside of a 1970s television studio from the movie network.

Network (1976) Screenplay

Image of a young woman scrunching a young man's face, which is peppered with lipstick lip-imprints, from the movie No Hard Feelings.

No Hard Feelings (2023) Screenplay

Image of a person floating over a house at night from the movie No One Will Save You.

No One Will Save You (2023) Screenplay

Nimona screenplay hero image.

Nimona (2023) Screenplay

Nyad screenplay hero image.

Nyad (2023) Screenplay

Napoleon screenplay hero image.

Napoleon (2023) Screenplay

Notorious 1946 screenplay hero image with Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman.

Notorious (1946) Screenplay

The Nice Guys screenplay image with Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling.

The Nice Guys (2016) Screenplay

Newsies screenplay hearo image with Christian Bale.

Newsies (1992) Screenplay

Read. Write. Repeat. Explore 8FLiX!

"Twice in that life, I've been given the choice. As a boy, and as a man. The boy chose safety. The man chooses suffering."

Sir Anthony Hopkins, (as C. S. Lewis in "Shadowlands 1993)" made his own choice, now it's your turn. Do you want to go back, or go forward?

Looking For Something?

If you can't find what you're looking for here, send us an email.

If you're searching for a specific movie or TV show/series, please let us know. 8FLiX has more than 10,000 scripts and screenplays. Not all are currently listed here. Eventually, they'll all be available to download (but certainly not in your lifetime). To avoid waiting decades for 8FLiX to add the script that you're looking for, send us an email. You still may have to wait, but it'll be days rather than generations. You can SEARCH our site when you're ready!