Home » Scripts » The Unproduced » 2019: Top Unproduced Screenplays | Part 6
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2019: Top Unproduced Screenplays | Part 6

Read some of the "2019: Top Unproduced Screenplays"

This year features 66 unproduced screenplays. Here are an additional 8, indexed from S.

You can read and download some of the best "2019: Top Unproduced Screenplays" of the year, according to hundreds of industry professionals who've read and rated them.

They're cataloged and indexed alphabetically for quick access. For Your Consideration, the next batch of 8 scripts. Including Erin Rodman's "Say Something Nice," Rachel James' "The Swells," and everything in between.

If you're a young writer looking for study guides, you've found the right place. Have a look at the screenplays producers are interested in making into movies.

Discover more about the "2019: Top Unproduced Screenplays"

Unsure about exactly what makes these scripts so popular?

You're thinking about writing movie scripts? Do your research.

The odds are firmly against you making a career out of writing. Anyone can write, but not everyone can be a writer.

Screenwriting is like any other art: it's subjective. So is it worth paying for someone's opinion about your writing? A professional script reader can read your screenplay and hate everything about it. On the flip side, a different person can read the same script and love every word. The end result is you'll get conflicting advice about how to "improve" your writing, and their opinions may have nothing to do with the fundamentals of screenwriting.

That's the problem with subjectivity when an artist is looking for advice. Not everyone is the same, and not all script readers are created equally. The point is this: keep writing, keep revising until YOU are happy. If you've got what it takes to be a writer, to be a good writer, then everything else will fall into place.

Read screenplays. Read a lot of screenplays. Read unproduced screenplays, read award-winning screenplays. Discover what's not written on the page; look beyond what's black and white. Don't be afraid to make a mistake, but also know when to say when.

Anyone can write, but not everyone can be a writer.

A word about voting... and other important stuff about the "best of" 2019 Unproduced Scripts.

Some of the scripts listed here may have since been optioned and produced. However, at the time of "voting" they were not.

Also, like all of the screenplays on this site, copyrights remain with the writer(s). 8FLiX does not claim ownership of any screenplay, nor were we involved in voting for, or choosing what makes them the "best of" a particular year.

If you're the writer and wish to update the version, change your contact information, or to remove your screenplay from the database, send me an email.

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    If you're searching for a specific movie or TV show/series, please let us know. 8FLiX has more than 10,000 scripts and screenplays. Not all are currently listed here. Eventually, they'll all be available to download (but certainly not in your lifetime). To avoid waiting decades for 8FLiX to add the script that you're looking for, send us an email. You still may have to wait, but it'll be days rather than generations. You can SEARCH our site when you're ready!

    Say Something Nice

    Written by: Erin Rodman

    Votes: 9

    After she catches her boyfriend cheating, Liv goes on a social media tirade that lands her in court for slander, and the judge forces her to make amends by composing one positive comment for every negative comment she posted, while under the supervision of a reclusive mediator also on the rebound from a failed relationship. Inspired by true events.

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    The Searchers

    Written by: MacMillan Hedges

    Votes: 8

    An inside look at the unique relationship between John Wayne and John Ford on the set of THE SEARCHERS.

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    The Showrunner

    Written by: Cosmo Carlson

    Votes: 6

    The unbelievable true story of the creation of the worlds first, longest running, and most notorious reality show "COPS." Based on "How 'Cops' Got Made — And What It Says About America" by Tim Stelloh.

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    Shut In (2022)

    Written by: Melanie Toast

    Votes: 14 (8th overall in 2019)

    A single mother is held captive by her violent ex, and her two young children are left at risk. She must do everything to protect them and survive. IMDb

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    Written by: Azia Squire

    Votes: 8

    Following her mother’s sudden passing, a queer black woman returns to her southern town to assist her estranged sister plan the funeral. Her trip takes a turn when sleep deprivation manifests visions of her deceased mother.

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    Written by: Sontenish Myers

    Votes: 6

    Set on a southern plantation in the 1800s, a young slave girl named Lena has telekinetic powers she cannot yet control. Circumstances escalate when she’s separated from her mother to be a house girl, in close quarters with the mercurial Master’s wife: Elizabeth.

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    Super Dad

    Written by: Sean Tidwell

    Votes: 8

    A subversive superhero story about the world’s only superhero living a bachelor lifestyle, learning he has two very different teenage twins he never knew existed, and now has to figure out how to be a father.

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    The Swells

    Written by: Rachel James

    Votes: 8

    A young woman, propelled by an unstoppable rage, begins inviting her victims to a summer lake house as revenge for past wrongs. But when one of her guests has been wronged as well, she passes on The Swells - bringing its wrath to the streets of New York.

    You’ll need to create a free account to access our scripts and screenplays database. If you’re already registered, simply log in and start your journey of discovery!